Are you a fan of Transformer® serials? The players and viewers of StarCraft II will see and build a new unit – Viking. Terran military technicians designed a brand new concept to offer better ground-based anti-ground support to other ground units, like siege tanks. Based heavily on the transformation design of the Terran siege tank, the Viking was designed to be the ultimate anti-air and ground-support weapon system. Equipped with the ability to change its combat shape from a ground walker to a killer fighter, the Viking can switch smoothly to feed players’ tactical needs in battles. 
The high mobility of the Viking has also led it to exceed the limitations of ground support. Full-scale raids by Viking squadrons can cast devastating damage and are very problematic to counter. To take out Vikings, the player needs to bring both a strong ground and an air force to overpower them.
However, it costs more and longer to train pilots who can master both air and ground combat modes. If they are talented enough to survive the testing flights, they will last for hundreds of battles, becoming the ultimate Terran weapons.
Time to watch another Transformer® movie!
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